In February, the Mobile Clinic conducted HIV/AIDS outreach to 13 places in Bali, specifically Bangli, Tabanan, Jembrana, Karangasem, Gianyar and Buleleng Regencies. Six hundred eighty-five children participated in socialisation, and 307 received health checks in February 2023. The Mobile Clinic collaborates with educational and health institutions, such as KKN (Student Community Service) from Udayana University, the University of Pendidikan Nasional Denpasar (Undiknas), and Puskesmas (Public Health Centres). The Mobile Clinic team has also received a certificate and placard from KKN Undiknas University as a form of cooperation.
Westerlaken foundation/Yayasan Bali Bersih partnered with Yayasan Anak Anak Bali (Bali Kids), NEBA Foundation, and Wilde Ganzen Foundation to provide the HIV/AIDS Awareness Program. Foundations hope this program will remove the stigma from people living with HIV and those around them by providing accurate information about the disease. Foundations have always committed to running this program to provide education about HIV/AIDS and health checks for children in Bali.
Foundations have experienced a doctor and a nurse who will explain the information about HIV/AIDS and provide health checks for children. The participants from primary and junior high school students will receive illustrated books to attract attention and obtain information on HIV/AIDS. Meanwhile, for the high school students, the socialisation present through a PowerPoint presentation. After the socialisation, we deliver a general medical check, including a check-up for vital signs, height, weight, eyes, and other health assessments.
On February 2, 2023, at SD 2 Penglumbaran, Bangli Regency, 27 students participated in socialisation, and 27 received health checks.
On February 3, 2023, at SD 1 Wongaya Gede, Tabanan Regency, 32 students participated in socialisation and received health checks.
On February 7, 2023, at SD 2 Antiga, Karangasem Regency, 34 students participated in socialisation and received health checks.
On February 9, 2023, at SMP 2 Mendoyo, Jembrana Regency, 265 students participated in socialisation.

On February 10, 2023, at SMPN 4 Sukawati, Gianyar Regency, 135 students participated in socialisation, and 35 received health checks.
Six children received health checks on February 11, 2023, at Rumah Belajar Bali, Buleleng Regency.

On February 16, 2023, at SD 4 Sidan, Gianyar Regency, 32 students participated in socialisation and received health checks.

On February 17, 2023, at SMA 1 Payangan, Gianyar Regency, 32 students participated in socialisation, and 29 received health checks.

On February 20, 2023, at SDN Bonyoh, Bangli Regency, ten students participated in socialisation, and 22 received health checks.
On February 21, 2023, at SD 5 Gegelang, Karangasem Regency, eight students participated in socialisation, and 16 received health checks.
On February 23, 2023, at SD 3 Gegelang, Karangasem Regency, 22 students participated in socialisation and received health checks.

On February 24, 2023, at SMK PGRI Payangan, Gianyar Regency, 58 students participated in socialisation, and 22 received health checks.
On February 25, 2023, at SMPN 3 Manggis, Karangasem Regency, 30 students participated in socialisation and received health checks.